98% of Customer recommend our Comprehensive Search Services

How it Works?

How it Works?

Our proven 3-step process generates the most comprehensive trademark search reports for you.


Fill a simple questionnaire

In this step, we ask you to fill a brief questionnaire and provide details about your mark.


AI powered trademark search

Our trademark search experts create a comprehensive trademark search report for you using sophisticated AI algorithms.


Receive your trademark search report

Our exhaustive trademark search process generates error-free search reports for you, and we send them to you via email.

Why Choose Us?

We don’t just conduct a direct hit search because that’s not enough. We also search for alternative spellings, intentional misspellings, typos, and more using AI tools.

Our trademark search experts use different AI tools to ensure that you don’t end up wasting your time and money on a name that’s already taken or just isn’t unique enough to be trademarked.

  • Advanced AI & Manual Search Expertise
  • Domestic & International Search
  • Easy-to-read, Comprehensive Search Report

Why is trademark search important?

Trademark search is crucial as it minimizes the chances of application rejection, and prevents you from reinventing the wheel.

Save Time

Save your time by conducting a trademark search before spending days in preparing the application.

Save Money

Save yourself from the hassle of expensive redesigns after finding out you’re violating existing trademarks.

Avoid Rejection

If there’s a high probability of the public mistaking your mark for another already in existence, the USPTO examining attorney rejects your application.


Comprehensive Trademark Clearance Search at Affordable Prices

Federal & State Search

Starting at $149

Key Features

  • Comprehensive search of similar names, logos, or slogans
  • Coverage of registered or pending trademarks with the USPTO and all 50 states
  • Proprietary search of corporate directories
  • Common law trademarks and domain names search
  • Analysis of unregistered trademarks used in commerce
  • Detailed report with risk assessment

Federal, State, & Common Law

Starting at $299

Includes all the features of Federal & State Search package PLUS:

  • Corporate name search in all 50 states
  • Corporate directories search to find similar names
  • Common law trademark search
  • Domain name search to see if anyone’s using your name online

Global Search

Starting at $499

Includes all the features of Federal, State & Common Law Search package PLUS:

  • Comprehensive search of similar names, logos, or slogans
  • Coverage of registered or pending trademarks with the USPTO and all 50 states
  • Proprietary search of corporate directories
  • Common law trademarks and domain names search
  • Analysis of unregistered trademarks used in commerce
  • International trademark search in multinational jurisdictions:
  • The European Community
  • The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Internet-related searches:
  • Online marketplace trademarks
  • Social media trademarks
  • Comprehensive global risk assessment repor

Client Testimonials & Customer Reviews

See Why Our Clients Love Us!

Saved us money!

Paul is very knowledgeable and is very easy to work with and efficient. He saved us money by suggesting we don’t need an extensive search after doing his preliminary research. This is the second time that I have used this firm and plan to continue to use them in the future. Reasonable fees which is refreshing for trademark services. I highly recommend Paul and this agency.


Saved us money!

Brian made the trademark search report process very easy for me and promptly answered any questions. As a new business owner, I appreciate when I find a company to work with that takes away the headache of trying to figure out things on my own. Along with that, one that I can trust and believe that the service will be taken care of efficiently and professionally.


Detailed & Comprehensive Search Report

It was a pleasure working with Secure Brand Rights from start to finish. Denise shared a detailed search report with us and consulted us every step of the process in getting the best chance to get our trademark approved. They provided transparent pricing on their services and always responded to my e-mails in a timely manner. Would highly recommend Secure Brand Rights to anyone looking for trademark-related services.


Trademark Search FAQs

Still have a question? We’d love to help! Call us or chat with one of our experts now!

  • What is Trademark Search Report?

    A Trademark Search Report is a comprehensive report that includes results related to a trademark search. It's useful for individuals or companies that want to register a trademark and need to know everything about availability, similar marks, and other information before they submit an application.

  • Why is Trademark Search important?
  • What if someone is already using a similar mark?
  • Should you conduct a Trademark Search?
  • How much does Trademark Search cost?

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