98% of Customer recommend our Trademark Registration Services

How it works?

How it works?

We have a simple 3-step process. You just have to fill a quick questionnaire, and we’ll take it from there.


Fill a brief

Answer a few questions online and provide a copy of your work.


Prepare your copyright application

We'll put together everything needed for your copyright application.


Copyright application filing with USPTO

We'll file your complete copyright application with the U.S. Copyright Office.

Why register copyright?

Copyrights give the owner of specific content the exclusive rights to reproduce or distribute copies of the work, prepare derivative works, and perform, display, and broadcast the work publicly. Additionally, if someone has copyright ownership, they can allow others to utilize these exclusive rights as well.

One question that comes up often is why anyone would take the additional steps and expenses to register their copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office.

  • Public Record of Ownership
  • Presumption of Ownership
  • Ability to Initiate Infringement Lawsuit
  • Eligibility for Statutory Damages & Attorney’s Fees

What a registered copyright protects?


  • Books
  • Songs
  • Photos
  • Art
  • Films
  • And other creative work that's tangible (written, recorded, etc.)

Doesn't protect

  • Brand names and slogans
    Try a trademark.
  • Inventions and product designs
    Consider a patent.
  • Ideas only (not in a tangible form)

Copyright Registration Made Easy & Affordable

We have packages for everyone!


Starting at $99 + Federal filing fees

Key Features

  • Professional preparation of your federal copyright application
  • Detailed review by the copyright team for accuracy, completeness and common mistakes
  • Electronic filing of your application with the U.S Copyright Office
  • Certificate of Registration mailed to you directly from the U.S. Copyright Office


Starting at $299 + Federal filing fees

Key Features

  • Professional preparation & review of your federal copyright application
  • Electronic filing of your application with the U.S Copyright Office
  • Certificate of Registration mailed to you directly from the U.S. Copyright Office
  • Tailor-made Cease & Desist Letter
  • Custom Transfer/Assignment template
  • 24-hour Expedited Processing

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

See what our 5M+ satisfied clients have to say

They get the job done

Awesome company-reliable-quick- easy and worth every penny- They know exactly how to GET THE JOB DONE!!!


Highly Recommend

Jacob was profoundly helpful, friendly, professional and informative. He answered all of my questions and made copyright matters easy to understand. To put things bluntly, the service was flawless. 10/10, very likely to do business again in the future.


Exceptional Customer Survive

The agents are very responsive and professional. They made a commitment to time and maintained that commitment. Hopefully, I will have a positive outcome, in the end, to prove the service was beneficial.

But I am totally satisfied with Secure Brand Rights!


Copyright Registration FAQs

Still have a question? We’d love to help! Call us or chat with one of our experts now!

  • What is copyright?

    Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works.

  • What does copyright protect?
  • Can I add to/update my registration after registering?
  • Does copyright protect names or titles?
  • Why choose your agency over a law firm or an attorney?
  • Why should you file for copyright certification?
  • What if I make changes to my work after it is registered?
  • How long does it take to receive my certificate?
  • Can I register multiple works under one registration?
  • Does my work have to be published to be registered for copyright?

Ready to get your Copyright registered?

Register now to protect your creativity from theft and plagiarism!

Need more help? We’re here for you! Call Now

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Start your Trademark Registration Now

Providing you the perfect solution for your business needs.