98% of Customer recommend our Trademark Registration Services

How it works?

How it works?

We have a Simple, yet Effective 3-Step Process


Fill a brief

Spend a couple of minutes filling out a simple questionnaire. This will initiate your trademark registration process.


Conduct Trademark Search

We perform a thorough trademark search to check whether the trademark is already in use before proceeding with the application.


File your Application with USPTO

Finally, we prepare, and register your trademark application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Why get a trademark?

Federal trademarks provide legal protection for your brand in the entire United States, and helps guard against counterfeiting and fraud. It also gives you the ability to sue your competitors for stealing your ideas.

Ward Off Copycats

You will have exclusive rights to the names, slogans, and logos of your brand.

Bulletproof Your Intellectual Property

Protect your brand identity and make it easier to sue your competitors who steal your ideas.

Save Your Time & Money

Save yourself from the hassle of expensive redesigns after finding out you’re violating existing trademarks.


Why is trademark search important?

Trademark search is crucial as it minimizes the chances of application rejection, and prevents you from reinventing the wheel.

Save Time

Save your time by conducting a trademark search before spending days in preparing the application.

Save Money

Save yourself from the hassle of expensive redesigns after finding out you’re violating existing trademarks.

Avoid Rejection

If there’s a high probability of the public mistaking your mark for another already in existence, the USPTO examining attorney rejects your application.


Get your trademark registered today!

We have packages for everyone, even if you’re on a tight budget.


Starting at $45 + USPTO filing fees

Key Features

  • Direct-hit Search for exact matches
  • Professional Application Preparation
  • Federal E-Filing with USPTO
  • Electronic Delivery
  • Free Trademark Monitoring (1 Month)


Starting at $145 + USPTO filing fees

Key Features

  • Cease and Desist Letter
  • Transfer and Assignment Letter
  • Free Trademark Monitoring (6 Months)
  • Federal E-Filing with USPTO
  • Electronic Delivery


Starting at $245 + USPTO filing fees

Key Features

  • Cease and Desist Letter
  • Transfer and Assignment Letter
  • Free Trademark Monitoring (1 Year)
  • 24-hour Expedited Processing
  • Federal E-Filing with USPTO

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

See what our 5M+ satisfied clients have to say

Excellent Service!

The entire procedure was quick and simple. The customer service was outstanding and the agent was very helpful to understand my queries. Highly recommended!


Great Customer Service

Their team was very efficient and helpful. I could reach them easily, who were happy to assist me throughout the process. It was worth the penny!


Pleasure working with Jacob

Working with Jacob has been an absolute pleasure. He was always professional, considerate, and patient in answering all of my questions and assisting me with the trademark process. I will absolutely contact Jacob again in the future.


Trademark Registration FAQs

Still have a question? We’d love to help! Call us or Chat with one of our experts now.

  • What is a trademark?

    A trademark protects specific, unique name, logo, and symbols pertaining to your products or business brand.

    Trademark protection may apply to business names, symbols, logos, sounds, and even colors that are emblematic of one specific brand. Once registered, a registrant can typically start using the ® symbol after the name, logo or slogan.

  • What do you mean by unique symbols?
  • Why is trademark registration important?
  • Why should I get a trademark?
  • Who can qualify for trademark registration?
  • When should I consider trademark protection for my brand?
  • What could I do if my trademark is already in use?
  • Do I need an attorney to file my trademark application?
  • Are you a legal firm?
  • How long will it take for my mark to register?
  • What’s the difference between copyright, patent and trademark?
  • How long will the federal trademark registration last?

Ready to get your Trademark registered?

Register your mark before someone else does.

Need more help? We’re here for you! Call Now

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Providing you the perfect solution for your business needs.